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St. Mary's H.S.S., Manarcad is under the managemant of Syrian Jacobite Cathedral, Manarcad. It is situated in a calm, serene atmosphere conductive to acadamic pursuit. It is safe and blessed in the lap of Mother Mary whose blessings are the real source of our strength.

St.Mary's H.S.S wants to equip children for life in its fullness, shaping them, into complete and competent human beings. The school is designed to be a centre of excellence with special emphasis on leadership and personality development. The school offers a homely atmosphere in which students learn to develop their inborn abilities and to discipline themselves to become more responsible citizens. Discipline is the back bone of our institution. Every student is expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the school.


The school had a modest beginning in 1949 under the leadership of K.J. Punnan B.A, L.T. He was assisted by three eminent teachers and two non-teaching staffs. The founder manager Very Rev. Vettikkunnel Kuriakose Kathanar nurtured the development of this institution with care and concern.

Our Vision

The school is dedicated to quality education with the promotion of intellectual and spiritual excellence, self reliance and disciplined growth. Thus the institution help students to grow into independant, intellectually competent, morally upright responsible members of the society. Our aim is to dispel the darkness of ignorance from the minds of our students and to make them excel in nature and culture.