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Library and Labs

The school is well equipped with a sound library and spacious laboratories reaching out to the requirements of the student community.

Women Cell

The balance of society is in the balance of individuals. Women are an important part of our society. They cannot be neglected nor left aside. They should become a part of the main streem of life along with men. Women empowerment is the need of the hour. Under the auspices of this club, we organise many programs bringing out the glory of life through equal participation in every realm of life.

Counselling Centre

Adjustment with one's self, as well as the society has become very difficult on account of the increasing complexity of the world which brings frustration and conflicts in the individual. Teenage is a period of 'storm and stress'. The counselling centre which functions in our school, extends its hands to the solution of thepersonal problems of our students by training their emotions and promoting their social efficiency. Smt.Shyla Thomas (Counseller, Mandiram Hospital) has been extending their services in this regard since July 2005. She has been a source of inspiration and guidance to our students.

Prayer Group

Keeping in mind the importance of spiritual enhancement of students, a prayer group was formed on 24th November 2006 which was inaugurated Fr. Zachariah Therampil. A prayer meeting is conducted every first tuesday of the month in which eminent spiritual leaders give their message and guidance.